Friday, April 23, 2010

Flashback Friday: She is deaf.

I knew what the results of the ABR would be before the test began. The preliminary tests all showed the same thing. Monkey was not responding to any sound at any decibel level. Still, despite the previous tests, an ABR was necessary to definitively prove that Monkey had hearing loss.

For the test, Monkey was sedated and hooked up to leads.

When the test concluded, the leads were disconnected. Monkey and I sat together in the darkened, quiet room waiting, while Monkey slept on still groggy from from the sedation.

After what felt like hours, but was in reality only moments, the Audiologist returned with the results.

The Audiologist nodded, solemnly confirming that Monkey could, in fact, not hear anything at all.


  1. Lol....I could just imagine her face :)

  2. I was wondering the same thing...

  3. oh my. so glad that you both have come so far in this journey!

  4. I can SOOO relate to this one.

    I also love when the professionals have her CIs off her head or turned off for part of the mapping portion that doesn't have it live and they are still talking to the child. Hello, she can't hear you and if she isn't looking at you she has no idea you are speaking at all! Please don't expect her to answer you.
