Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hoarding Bean

I watch Hoarders partially out of fascination and partially with trepidation. I am slightly scared Bean is going to grow up to become a hoarder. My reasoning is simple.

A. She has the messiest room ever.

B. She develops an emotional attachment to inanimate objects. Objects like paper scraps and trash.





  1. I usually feel like I have quite a bit of "stuff" and every now and again it makes me a little crazy so I go through and pare down when that happens. However, when I watch that show I feel like I am in great shape with what I own. I do have to say that I'm glad that show is on the air because it always gives me a bit of a pick-me-up to my ego :-)

    As for Bean I'll send good vibes her way that the attachments she might make with trash are of your own trash and not random trash in the street :-)

  2. Oh sometimes it happens to be random trash. We have gone over the rules many times. No picking up random objects in the parking lot. No saving our trash. But sometimes, she just can't resist. Especially if it is shiny. Or can be used to hold other things.

  3. Every time I watch that how I feel the urge to clean no matter how clean my house is...Ah ha!
